Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The stupid....it does burn....

Clearly there is a problem with the educational system in this land of ours...

Submitted for your approval...

Koshka Blackburn...a contestant on NBC's otherwise intellectually vacuous "Deal or NO Deal". (This is what passes for entertainment in our modern day Roman Empire.) Koshka had whittled down the choices of briefcases to TWO; one containing $5000 and the other $1,000,000. She was then presented a deal; accept $530,000 and walk away. A guaranteed half a million dollars was offered to her to NOT make the choice between the two briefcases. Wrap your head around this: She could leave with $530,00 more dollars than she came in with....

So what should Koshka the good God-fearing Christian do?

The answer is simple to anyone with a rudimentary understanding of a what a 50-50 proposition means. Who would bet their life on such odds. I think very few.

Poor Koshka, chose to give in to one of the deadly seven: G-R-E-E-D

And then to add insult to injury and in a mockery of her professed religion she incorrectly quoted from the Bible, Ezekiel 12:25:
"...but I wrote a check for myself for a million dollars, and I believe it's here [tapping her case]...I don't know, I don't know what to do, I just don't know...I know it's here, I know it's here! Howie, the contestants never go all the way, and I'm crazy. I'm too crazy. But I believe that if you speak it, it shall be done. So I'm gonna say, NO DEAL!"
And she lost...

See the arrogance for yourself.

Should have paid more attention to those sermons, Koshka...

Contrary to what Gordon Gecko said G-R-E-E-D is RARELY a good thing.

GREED cost you the half a million dollars that was offered to you. You thumbed your nose at your God and he made ya pay! In your world view what other conclusion could you come to other than maybe... sheer unadulterated stupidity!

The truly sad part of this story is the possibility of what DID not happen; had she picked the right case, there are those that would have used this incident to bolster the argument that God favors those that believe...completely glossing over the genesis of her choice...

