Why haven't I been 'round....?
Confluence of many things really...
I have a couple of professional projects that had me consigned to the lab with little respite from hacking and configuring....
...couple that with the headache of scheduling terminate and pre-closing inspections... and I have little time to to do much else other than sleep!
And even sleep is eluding me lately!!
I guess I'm now concerned about some issue with setting up the mortgage!
"I'm sorry Mr. L we cannot give you the loan. You see, you didn't dot that 'i' in your last name on your March 2008 rent check. No money for you!!!'You want to send good wishes, say prayers, perform candle rituals....whatever...I'll take all the positivity you got! You'll all have my eternal gratitude!
It's gonna be a long month!
Thanks in advance!!!