We have over a hundred-thousand servicemen and women in harms way...
There millions of American citizens without access to health care...
We have a growing energy crisis and a crumbling infrastructure...
We have growing evidence that climate change is a reality and we are contributing to it...
Social Security as we know it may not exist when 2030 rolls around...
THIS is what our elected officials choose to address?!
I literally want to beat my head against my desk! Have our politicians lost their freakin' minds?!
"Hmmmm, what worthless pointless piece of meaningless tripe pretending to be legislation can I push through that will pander to the a politically radical and historically clueless segment of the electorate?"
Sam Brownback ponders thoughtfully as he munches his order of "Freedom" Fries in the Congressional dining Hall....finally it comes to him as if from on high... in his mind, a beam of light from above descends
(read light dawns on marble head!)"I know! I'll address the real world problem of the pseudo-motto of our secular country being relegated to the edge of the new Presidential Dollar Coins!"
Ah, Senator Brownback! We should all be so thankful we have the likes of you in Congress to remind good God-fearing Americans what's really important:
Personally ensuring that the meaningless, pointless and divisive phrase "In God We Trust", (which replaced a much more poetic and enlightenment inspired "E Pluribus Unum" which was ram-rodded through Congress in 1956 during the height of Joe McCarthy and his red-baiting B.S.), is given the prominence it so righteously deserves on the face of the coins rather than the edge.
Yes, fellow citizens, THIS is why we pay U.S. Senators at the minimum almost
$170,000 a year!
I think you hear me knocking Senator Brownback! If we both had the time, Thomas Jefferson and I would wait for you outside the Capitol and when you approached the entrance to start your day of important legislative business I would hold you down and ole' Tommy Boy would batter you unrecognizable with a rolled up copy of the the Bill of Rights with the First Amendment highlighted!
Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to chew on something leather for a while....