Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lest we forget....

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

I don't pretend to know fully how we are to attain these goals; but it does seem that most of our elected leaders have forgotten that these are what they are supposed to be working to achieve.


Anonymous said...

Robert, the key words are a "more perfect union". I remain an optimist because over my lifetime I have seen progress.

If an agency with the power of the Homeland Security Dept. was around when Tricky Dicky was President, he still might be in office. :)

We get the politicians we vote for. Then we complain about them. :)

Robert said...

"We get the politicians we vote for. Then we complain about them. :)"

I have made a similar argument before... We get the politicians we deserved. Too few in this country understand the simple truism that the leadership of this country is a mirror image of the electorate. The only way to truly change the leadership is to change ourselves.


Anonymous said...

The only way to truly change the leadership is to change ourselves.

At the 'risk' of 'branding' myself a certain 'type'... Amen ;-)

Just a personal observation but i'd say it started getting worse in direct relationship to the loss of the 'Fear' (and reverence) of God and in direct proportion to the love of Money as the most powerful force on Earth.

Most probably the fact that the US allowed such a great diversity of people (and opinion) in to the country in considerable numbers, many of whom had no 'say' in the establishment of said Constitution and have likely only ever considered it in seriousness when one of their 'rights' was being somehow ignored or violated.

Many today seem to have forgotten that if you have been 'granted' rights that there are commensurate heavy responsibilities on each one of us.

Possibly the biggest reason our leaders seem to have forgotten is because they are mostly lobbied by powerful self interest groups and are no longer truly 'representative' of the majority of people in their electorates.

That is not solely their fault - We share the responsibility ourselves...

which brings us right back to the place i (we) started :-)
