It's time I lay my cards upon the table...
Spill my guts...
Convey my truest deepest darkest feelings...
Here it is...
I want THEM gone!!!
I want them hurled out of office like so much foul, wretched, stinking garbage that's been in the house for too long.
I want the Republican Party as a whole so throttled this coming election that they are naught but a shadow of their former strength.
Punish them!!! Punish them severely for their misguided, misanthropic and completely UNAMERICAN policies! I blame the G.O.P. and the G.O.P. alone for the disastrous state my beloved country now finds itself in.
It is my fondest and deepest wish that history will show George W. Bush to be the WORST to ever hold the office of POTUS.
Lest, anyone think that my rant here is a wholesale endorsement of the Democratic Party, think again. Though, as it is increasingly apparent that the party of the 'ASS' will sweep into power this November with sizable majorities in both chambers of the Congress, don't rest assured in my complacent acceptance of everything you do. I am quite through with having my freedoms, won at great cost to many patriots, whittled away for the illusion of security! I, and many like me will be watching, and if after a sufficient length of time I do not see progress in restoring this country to the ideals it was founded upon, those of Locke, Rousseau, Bacon, Jefferson, Madison and others, I will be agitating for your ouster just as loudly as I do the bastardization of the Party of Lincoln.
If you do win....Savor your victory Mr. Obama, Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Reed...
You will then be in the cross-hairs and the price of failure will be much more than any of you realize...
Re-read your history and learn from it.... particularly the era post Revolutionary War, The Shays Rebellion and the Alien and Sedition Acts.
And don't forget to vote. ;)
Amen to that!!tru dat...
Speaking of the alien and sedition act.
A real brave new world.
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